Dear Football Family,
I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to our football family to introduce myself, along with the new Titan Touchdown Club Board. I can safely speak on behalf of the entire TTC board by saying, we are super excited for the 2020 season. Here is the new board for the 2020 season and their email addresses. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel to reach out to any of us.
President: Bob Wathen
Vice President: Judy Madonna
Secretary: Lori Delisi
Treasurer: Corry Olszewski
Co-Treasurer: Andrea Smith
Member at Large: Amy Castle
Member at Large: Steve Kraemer
Ex-officio: Justin Newcomb
Some of our most recent events and meetings have been well attended. Our family is growing stronger and larger everyday. This is very encouraging as we begin our 2020 Titan Touchdown Club season. Currently, the board is working, meeting, and discussing plans for this upcoming season.
The TTC, originally, had a meeting scheduled to meet at Stevenson, but as we continue working towards our exciting 2020 season, we are hoping you will join us on February 24, 2020 at FUDDRUCKERS instead. This will be a great opportunity for our Titan Family to gather together, get to know each other, have fun, and support the Titan football program.
The sole topic on this night’s agenda: strengthen our family by enjoying each other’s company. A strong family equals great success, so let’s start building our relationships. Oh, and if that is not reason enough to come, consider how delicious FUDDRUCKERS burgers are!
We hope to see you there and spread the word because all are welcome!
Location: FUDDRUCKERS (40955 Van Dyke)
Date: February 24, 2020
Time: Anytime between 4PM – 9PM
Bring the flyer or mention to your server you are supporting the Titan Touchdown Club and FUDDRUCKERS will give a percentage of every order to the Titan Touchdown Club.
Looking forward, we expect to present to our TTC family the 2020 Titan Touchdown Club calendar of events on March 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM in the ECC room at Stevenson High School.
As always……GO TITANS!!!!
Bob Wathen